Dental Inlays and Onlays Near You
Inlays and onlays are both used for the same purpose: to restore damaged teeth by reinforcing their structure and providing protection. We offer dental inlays and onlays in Burnaby for patients looking for a long-lasting, durable alternative to dental fillings.
What is the Difference Between Inlays and Onlays?
While both inlays and onlays work to protect your teeth, there are some key differences between them.
Dental onlays are also called partial crowns and are used to treat larger areas of decay on the biting surface of your teeth.
Dental inlays are made to reduce damage to the surface of your tooth, and they are used when there is decay in the cusps of your teeth.
When you visit Eagle Creek Dental Centre looking for dental inlays and onlays, your dentist will examine you to determine which treatment is best suited to your needs.

What is the Procedure for Inlays and Onlays?
The procedure for dental inlays and onlays is essentially the same as that of a dental filling. Your dentist in Burnaby will begin by numbing the affected area and then will remove any previous fillings or decay before carefully placing your new inlay or onlay.
What Are the Benefits of Inlays and Onlays?
Some of the benefits that come with inlays and onlays include:
- Stain-Resistant Material: Inlays and onlays are made out of porcelain, making them much more resistant to stains than other dental restorations.
- Durability: If properly looked after, inlays and onlays can last you for many years.
- Prevention of Tooth Loss: If not treated, a damaged or decayed tooth can lead to tooth loss. An inlay or onlay will prevent tooth loss by replacing the decayed portion of a tooth and supporting its structure.
- A Natural Look: Since inlays and onlays are made of porcelain, they can be matched to the shade of your natural teeth and blend seamlessly with your surrounding teeth.
Interested in Inlays and Onlays Near You?
At Eagle Creek Dental Centre, we are happy to offer dental inlays and onlays in Burnaby. We offer multiple restorative options to our patients, depending on their unique needs. Our team will work hard to find the best option for your needs. If you have old dental fillings or have been experiencing toothaches, dental inlays and onlays may be the answer for you. Please contact our clinic to learn more about dental inlays and onlays today.